Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! In 10 months to our child have diagnosed affektivno-...

21.06.2004, 18:18
The dear doctor! In 10 months our child was diagnosed affektivno-by respiratories paraksizmy. We accepted luminal of 2 3 weeks, but the result was not. After that we have passed or have taken place EEG - there anything in us have not found out, have cancelled luminal and have appointed or nominated Pantogamum. On Pantogamum of attacks was not, but in 10 days after a cancelling of Pantogamum, attacks have renewed and proceeded in current of several months 1 2 times a week. Last month attacks have become frequent up to 2 4 times a day (on premeni the attack lasts approximately 10 seconds), and attacks began to appear without the visible reason on that. Now to our child 1 year and 8 months. After an acceleration of attacks we began to give Pantogamum, but the result is not present. Our doctors do not know in what the reason and appoint or nominate to us anticonvulsant therapy. We would like know what consequences can to be in the further and what we now can make that these consequences do not happen???

Nogovitsyn V.J.
23.06.2004, 13:02
Affektivno-respiratory attacks do not represent danger to the child and more often do not require treatment, t. To. Pass or take place by 2 4 years. But they should be distinguished from similar statuses on a background of disturbances of a hemopoiesis (anemia) and intimate or cardiac activity. Therefore on a situation consultation of the cardiologist of an electrocardiogram and EhoKG and the analysis of a blood with definition of iron can be shown. In the rest at typical ARP it is necessary to try to not provoke the child, to create houses a quiet situation. At an attack to not panic and to not try "to rescue" or save" the child, and it is better to depart from it or him. So the attack will stop more quickly, t. To. He often happens display neurotic aktsentuatsii.

24.06.2004, 12:58
We did or made an electrocardiogram and US of heart when to the child there were 3 months, t. e one and a half year ago, there was it's OK, the child has started to go to 10, 5 months, whether it is necessary to repeat researches of heart now? In OAK a hemoglobin - 95, or it cannot show something, and it is necessary to carry out additional researches. Thanks.

28.06.2004, 00:15
The infection has and more forgotten to mention, at the child in the anamnesis generalizovannaja tsitomegalovirusnaja, in 1 month the child of 3 weeks was in reanimation, occurrence of these attacks can as that is connected with the transferred or carried illness or disease. Whether also last question it is necessary for children with ARP to visit or attend a kindergarten or it is better up to the certain age there are houses. Excuse for a plenty of questions:-)

Nogovitsyn V.J.
28.06.2004, 21:21
Hemoglobin low. With the pediatrist discuss a question about an anemia, first of all iron deficiency. Probably, you will see effect after purpose or appointment of iron preparations.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
30.06.2004, 20:10
Question with a garden can solve on situation, by ability of the child to communicate with contempoparies. If ARP happen more often in family - that no problems with a garden should be, but then there is a sense to consider or examine a family situation for chronic stressornogo influences on the child. For this purpose it is necessary to involve the children's psychologist.
About an infection there is a sense to forget.