Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist to solve a problem! To the Boy 4 months. Till 3 months nah...

25.06.2004, 10:55
Hello! Help or assist to solve a problem! To the Boy 4 months. Till 3 months was on mixed vskarmlevanii, now only on admixtures. Since a birth refuses water. I can not accustom to drink vodichku. In day hardly drinks 20 gr. The kid How much should drink water? And how it or him to accustom to it or this? In advance to all it is grateful.

The anonym
27.06.2004, 10:27
If the child is on thoracal feeding it or him it is absolutely not necessary dopaivat water if on artificial the child is so much how much wants or wishes, it is not necessary the kid poit, to not feed violently. He as receives a liquid together with juice, with an admixture, do not panic, your child does or makes all intelligently.

Clause or Article
30.06.2004, 12:23
Than to give a drink krohu?
The need or requirement of children of the first year of a life for drink is individual and is defined or determined by character of feeding, age and weight of the child, a status of its or his health, climatic conditions. We shall tell about all under the order.
The kid whom nurse only, before introduction prikorma does not require any additional liquid, except for thoracal milk. If the child is on mixed or completely on artificial feeding additional drink is appointed or nominated the doctor individually.
In general, the quantity or amount of a liquid consumed by the kid depends on its or his age and weight. About one year it is required to the child 100 ml to a liquid in day on 1 kg of weight of a body. When he begins to weigh more than 10 kg, calculation will become complicated: in day to the child plus 50 ml on each kg over 10 kilogram weights is required 1 l to a liquid.
About water
Qualitative water for a children's delivery should possess characteristic properties of potable water - a transparence, absence of a smell, with neutral taste. It can be svezhekipjachenaja water iz-under the cock, preliminary passed or missed through the household filter, or butilirovannaja water. Doctors often recommend to use such water, t. To. By its or her manufacture hygienic requirements are kept all and she is really safe for health of the kid. The basic advantage at use butilirovannoj waters is the guaranteed control of a low level of a mineralization. The structure of water essentially influences quality of peep, therefore pay attention to the following fact. Water for children shares on two categories: water for restoration (t. e. For preparation of a children's delivery from a dry admixture) and potable water. The mineral structure of potable water exceeds parameters admissible for the newborn on the cores mikro-a little and to macrocells, therefore it or her recommend to give children is more senior than half a year and to not use for dissolution of dry products. Water for restoration softer, is water of double purpose or appointment. She is resolved to children from first days of a life.
There are some rules of use butilirovannoj waters:
Water should have the characteristic "nursery" in the name.
On a label the name of the organization which draws the official medical conclusion about water should be born or taken out. For today of such organizations only three - Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Gossanepidnadzor MZRF and Institute of a delivery of Russian Academy of Medical Science.
Butilirovannuju water cannot be boiled!
To store or keep water it is necessary at low temperature, in a refrigeration cabinet. Doctors advise to be guided for the term of storage of the children's juices, to peer 48 hours. The open bottle of water is desirable for using within day, t. To. In it or her various microorganisms can get.
In a delivery of children of early age it is possible to use only negazirovannuju. Lechebno-preventive waters too do not approach or suit iz-for high saturation by mineral salts.
About juices
Fruit and vegetable juices, compotes and vegetable broths belong to number of products which include in a ration of children as addition to thoracal milk or its or his substitutes not earlier than 4 months. It allows to provide the child with series of new alimentary substances which he requires, - a glucose, fructose, organic acids, vitamin C, iron, a potassium.
In house conditions it is possible to prepare weak concentration for compotes from apples, pears, prunes and dried apricots. Also vegetable broths are useful. But, considering an adverse ecological situation, doctors consider or count expedient to enter natural juices of industrial production, and also the juices which have been squeezed out of vegetables and fruit from own kitchen garden when you know in a ration of the kid, that them grew up without use of harmful chemicals. Juices of industrial production use, if the doctor has appointed or nominated juices to the child with 4 h months.
From 6 months it is possible to use juices of own preparation. Practically all industrial juices obogashcheny vitamin C in a dose from 15 up to 100 % of daily need or requirement for this vitamin of children of the first year of a life. In some juices add also iron that promotes prophylaxis of an anemia at children.
Juices can be unicomponent or mixed. The mixed juices possess higher nutritional value, than juices from one fetus. But here real danger of occurrence of allergic reaction is covered, and it will be difficult to define or determine, the organism of the kid will inadequately react to what component.
Therefore it is better to enter all over again into a ration of the kid only unicomponent juices (from apples, pears, peaches, carrots, pumpkins) and when the child becomes more senior to diversify its or his delivery with the mixed juices.
Introduction of juice in a ration of the child should be coordinated or agreeed;compounded with the pediatrist. To begin follows from 3 5 drops, with the subsequent gradual augmentation of quantity or amount of juice up to 100 120 ml to the extremity or end of the first year of a life. Juices with a pulp should be entered not earlier than 5 6 months, t. To. They contain the vegetative fibers stimulating a motor performance of an intestine. It can cause or call disturbances of a chair in children of early age.
At purchase of juice in shop necessarily pay attention to date of its or his manufacturing and a period of validity. If at opening a jar with a twisting cover you will not hear a characteristic clap or cotton, at all do not give such juice to the child in order to prevent a poisoning.
Choose juices of the known and well proved companies. Never buy food stuffs for children in doubtful places, prefer specialized shops.
About tea
Except for water and juices mum can offer the kid children's teas from medicinal grasses, for example from a camomile (to make 1 teaspoon of a dried grass in 250 ml waters, it is a little to sweeten with fructose which mastering does not demand development or manufacture of an insulin as it occurs or happens in case of to usual Saccharum; besides as fructose is more sweet some Saccharum, it or her it is required less). If you use tea as usual drink to make a camomile enough 5 10 minutes. If the doctor has appointed or nominated to the child tea for treatment of digestive disturbances to make a camomile 15 20 minutes follow.
Teas from other grasses (a melissa, mint, zveroboja, fenhelja) are used strictly under the reference of the doctor as they possess preventive and medical action and applied at treatment of some diseases at children of the first year of a life. Teas with fenhelem, a camomile, the Italian fennel render favorable influence on job zheludochno-an intestinal tract. There are teas from the tussis, calming or abirritating.
Children on artificial feeding can be offered teas on tretem-the fourth month. In any case, starting to acquaint the kid with this kind of drinks, it is necessary to buy the teas which are let out or are released for children of the first half-year of a life. Age references are always specified on a label! Teas for kids are more senior than six months differ ingredients and their quantitative structure. They can include fruit or berry additives and be used as freshening drinks.
Despite of wonderful properties of many tea drinks to offer their children it is necessary cautiously - no more than 100 150 ml in day. All kinds of teas contain significant amounts of carbohydrates (saccharose, a glucose or dekstrinmaltozu), therefore their superfluous use can become the reason of caries or allergic reactions, and also promote intensifying of fermentative processes in an intestine. About expediency of the use of children's teas necessarily consult with the pediatrist.
Special cases
If at the newborn baby the physiological or pairing icterus (1 or 2 degrees) is observed, doctors recommend vypaivat such children water at the rate of 120 150 ml for one kg of weight. It is necessary for deducing or removing a bilirubin from an organism.
If at yours krohi diarrhea or he is sick and at it or him a heat, first of all it is necessary to call a doctor. Before arrival of the doctor plentiful drink is necessary for the kid. For grudnichka mamino milk in this situation will be the most important and best medicine. If the child refuses a breast or is on artificial feeding, it or him it is necessary dopaivat fresh water, a solution regidrona or similar agents. But remember, that it is more 250 ml (volume of a stomach of the child about one year) during 20 30 minute period the kid cannot physically drink a liquid. The sweetened water can be used in case of when at the child a heat and he refuses drink.
Iz-for a disadvantage of water all water and mineral exchange is broken and there is a risk of a deaquation of an organism. This status can specify following attributes: the kid to become extremely restless and is more often cries; drinks with extraordinary greed; urine or urine dark is allocated not enough; a skin dry i/or acyanotic; tongue and labiums dry. It is necessary to watch or keep up closely or attentively occurrence of similar attributes in hot summer days when air is especially dry. You can offer the kid of water from the spoon if be afraid, that after butylochki the child can refuse a breast.
And in summary - one more important point. That at children gustatory habits were correctly generated, dietarians recommend to give them fresh water. However experience of many mums shows, that children often refuse such drink. If you solve podslashchivat water it is better to apply for this purpose not Saccharum, and fructose in a minimum quantity (no more than 1 teaspoon on 200 ml). In any case, drink for utolenija it is necessary to give thirst to the child between the basic feedings.
Natalia Kazakova, vrach-the pediatrist of the Left-bank out-patient department, of Khimki

Clause or Article from a July issue.