Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my child, 2, 5 months the doctor has recommended profilakt. mas...

30.06.2004, 01:06
To my child, 2, 5 months the doctor has recommended profilakt. Massage, (it's OK on survey), to all recommend this massage today. Have found under references of the masseur. After etogopervogo the masseur the child slept - could not wake up all the day long - wished to eat, shouted, there and then at a breast fell asleep, not doev. Never such was! Such sensation, that not there have pressed. Have found the second masseur. After that the second - there were 2 sessions in the mornings, then 2 sessions in 5 6 evenings the child is very raised or excited, constantly "talks", mashet arms or hand and legs or foots, even at night in a dream shouts and talks. I tend to that the child very erethitic, and masseurs scratch all under one comb. Has refused massage though extolled these masseurs. The second day the child does not calm down or is not abirritated. I have read through, that such small children it is impossible pokolachivat, in general it is impossible to do or make in the evening massage, and the second massazhistka us banged as the adult (though works in the House of the Baby). Prompt, please, why such reaction at the child and as it is possible to calm it or him. Whether for its or his all life has spoiled such "massage"? Before massages the child was quiet, good, was not capricious - problems did not know. Thanks!

Nogovitsyn V.J.
30.06.2004, 12:19
JUlja, do not worry, many children so react to the first sessions of massage. But vse-taki I would postpone massage on after 3 months. And besides, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrist, absolutely not the reason of cry can be not connected with massage, and has coincided on time.