Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To the son 4 years. About 2 years on a knee there was light maculae, n...

29.06.2004, 04:54
Hello. To the son 4 years. About 2 years on a knee there was light maculae, little bit rough. Have made soskob - do not deprive. Smeared sinoflanom with a children's cream, has disappeared. But in some months has again appeared and has increased at a rate of, not cheshitsja. The dermatologist has now diagnosed - a dry streptoderma, whether but asked there is in family a psoriasis. It has strongly guarded me. Whether it is possible to hand over what or the analysis to exclude such diagnosis? And more, the doctor has registered okis Zincum 0, 05* 3 times, specify, please, as by it or this to be treated?

Albanova V.I.
30.06.2004, 05:46
okis Zincum prepares in powders to order, powders accept before meal or separately from it or her within 1 1, 5 months 3 times a day. To specify the diagnosis it is possible to try or taste at survey, in unusual cases do or make a biopsy (take a slice of a skin on research). If want, come, 284 21 87