Просмотр полной версии : At my daughter (her 1, 5 years) two chordas. What is it? As with these or it mzhit, that opasa...

25.06.2004, 16:51
At my daughter (her 1, 5 years) two chordas. What is it? As with these or it mzhit that to be afraid and t. d

Tutelman K.M.
26.06.2004, 07:08
Additional chordas concern to small anomalies of development of heart - do not influence a hemodynamic, contractility, etc. Therefore it is necessary to consider or examine;survey them no more than a specific feature of the child. Observations and any restrictions it is not required.

29.06.2004, 22:50
Thanks huge the doctor. Have removed or have taken off a load from soul)))))
Success to you

30.06.2004, 01:31
To my son of 5 years. Ehokardiologicheskoe research has diagnosed: anom. Chordas in a left ventricle. How much or As far as it is dangerous?