Просмотр полной версии : At a daughter of 17 years a nervous anorexia, depression. Addressed already to several ps...

23.06.2004, 09:53
At a daughter of 17 years a nervous anorexia, depression. Addressed already to several psihiatoram, the psychotherapy does not operate or work, she understands all, what is it very seriously, but eats all the same very little, appetite in general is not present. Accepts fluoksetin. Pressure below 90, merznet, the temperature is lowered, pupils are badly narrowed. Analyses of a blood (clinic and b/) in norm or rate. Mood more often bad.
42 kg, body height 160 weigh. Up to illness or disease weighed 60 kg. Is 3 r in day now I force, I watch or I keep up, is more often cannot and does not want. Once a day I give still a glass of an albuminous admixture for sportsmen. It turns out certainly below norms or rates. The menses does not have 5 months. What it is possible to make still? Advise, please. Can it is necessary already put in hospital on somatic unit?

Pisarenko N.A.
25.06.2004, 15:47
What sort the psychotherapy was spent (because the psychotherapy quite often is understood as an explanation of type " so to act harmfully for your health " + purpose or appointment of medicines)? the girl considers or counts, what the special help is necessary to her or it or she is disturbed basically with a physical status?

28.06.2004, 01:03
I had an anorexia, at the same age. In hospital it is necessary to put - in psychiatric. This business of psychiatry. Without hospital such girls not in a status to type or collect though any weight, does not help or assist - mamin the control, neither arrangements, nor someone's explanations, own comprehension of all seryoznosti frustration. If to eat force, the anorexia can be aggravated with abstersive or cleaning procedures, type iskusstvenoe calling of a vomiting, reception of laxatives. If you in Moscow, that is class teenage unit in 15 j PB, there put teenagers till 18 years. Believe to my experience and experience of the same little girls which I have seen enough. Constant observation of the psychiatrist, selection by the doctor and reception of medicines, a quiet measured situation Is necessary, and in general in such cases the hospital is a good experience and an example of others anoreksichnyh patients. And by the way, fluoksetin reduces appetite still as. This preparation approaches or suits bulimikam, t more likely. e. To patients with uncontrollable (by way of kol-VA) a delivery.

29.06.2004, 20:50
Dear JUlja if vozmozhno-respond, it would be desirable to talk. iraida-mail@yandex. ru