Просмотр полной версии : zdrawstwuite, nadeus na waschu konsultaziju, dewochka 11let, nochju hodit...

Kateryna Belomiestnova
23.06.2004, 17:50
zdrawstwuite, nadeus na waschu konsultaziju, dewochka 11let, nochju hodit, goworit, obsledowanija u wrachei, w tom chisle u psihiatrow nikakoj patologii ne wujawili, EKG w norme, wse ostalnoe toze. Wstaet pochti kazduju noch, hodit po domu, razgowariwaet, razbudit newozmozno. Chto wu skazete???

Nogovitsyn V.J.
25.06.2004, 09:33
To you not to the psychiatrist, and to the neurologist. It is necessary to do or make not an electrocardiogram, and EEG (electroencephalogram), probably, video-EEG monitoring of a night dream. The main task - to distinguish a lunacy (lunacy) from an epilepsy. Treatment, accordingly, will depend on the diagnosis, and in the first case (lunacy) can be not treated at all, and in the second treatment is obligatory.

Nogowizun W.
27.06.2004, 01:56
Spasibo bolschoe za otwet, konechno ja imela w widu EEG, ona proschla polnoe newrologicheskoe obsledowanie, wse w norme. Menja bespokoit chto eto snohozdenie prodolzaetsja uze okolo 5 let, posle stressow ili wo wremja prostudu usiliwaetsja. Ne mogli bu wu objasnit podrobnee, pochemu pri lunatizme lechenie ne objazatelno, wed suschestwuet ze kakaja to nagruzka na organizm, esli son nespokojnuj. Kak mozno izbezat etih projawlenij? Nam sowetowali prinimat "Persen", daet effekt, no ne mogu ze ja wse wremja derzat rebenka na tabletkah, eto dlitsja godami..

Nogovitsyn V.J.
27.06.2004, 14:55
The lunacy usually disappears or becomes much less often at the senior school age. Harm to an organism it in itself does not carry (probability of traumas during circulations - other question). Persen it is quite harmless, no problems from it or him should be, so if there is an effect - to you has carried, give on health though years. Alternative to him - preparations from group of benzodiazepines - tranquilizers. They can be more effective, but also from them it is more than harm. About a regimen with restriction of psychoemotional overloads and so it is clear. So without a panic, all will be adjusted.

Nogowizun W.
28.06.2004, 08:30
Spasibo Wam ogromnoe, prisluschaus k waschemu sowetu. Esche raz spasibo.
S ywazeniem
Belomestnowa Katerina

Nogovitsyn V.J.
29.06.2004, 14:02
Please, but about periodic visits to the neurologist to forget it is not necessary.