Просмотр полной версии : At our relative a hepatitis (like " a hepatitis In "). In contact to it or him naho...

26.06.2004, 19:22
At our relative a hepatitis (like " a hepatitis In "). In contact to it or him there is a grandmother of my child to which the seventh month has now gone. She every day goes to the relative in hospital which is since October, 7th on treatment. Before also often contacted to it or him. Whether It is possible for my child kontakrirovat with the grandmother if is not present quarantine and what safety measures how long should last is necessary to undertake.

Yesterday to the child have inoculated AKDS, a hepatitis and poleomelit. At it or him today temperature 37, 5. Yesterday it or her was not. Can be because we today have gone or send to walk, and yesterday did not walk. That it is necessary to make in the given situation. From what the temperature has risen? From an inoculation or what we have gone or send to walk?

And more very much for a long time wished to ask you. How much once a day should be wetted the six-monthly child? Today from 7 mornings up to 15 I have changed to him pribl. 12 toddlers? Then has again put on a pampers. And here the chair at it or him is observed very seldom, pribl. Once in dva-three days. Whether it is normal?

Very much likes vegetable and fruit (especially banana) mashed potatoes, is on thoracal feeding. Tried to give him an admixture, but he does not eat them, though it seems to me, that I have enough milk for the six-monthly child. Kashi too does not eat. Four days it is added to him in mashed potatoes meat. What to do or make?

In advance to you it is grateful for the answer

The anonym
28.06.2004, 00:42
hi-hi-hi..... The grandmother be afraid... .vidimo she it is not simple to the sick relative goes in hospital, and a sexual life with it or him there lives or narkomanit with the general or common syringe with this relative..... .a when babulja all comes to the child on a visit, she from legs or foots up to a head to bloods probably.....:):):)
It is already ridiculous......... The grandmother well cannot be dangerous to the child in any way as you have already imparted it or him from a hepatitis....
So calm down.....
All other questions on a delivery and pisaniju and about temperature..... All by way of... .nichego outstanding...
Likes vegetable and fruit pjure..... .pust eats... .i it is more...
Try to feed with a porridge (porridge and very much zhidenkaja)... .po to a spoon... Will gradually get used. Gradually expand or dilate its or his menu... .so all will be adjusted by time. And here if it is not enough milk and he an admixture does not want..... .tut too experiment, and taste can to him is not pleasant... .poprobujte others... For certain will find suitable (my own kid simply adored AGU sour-milk).

28.06.2004, 19:16
Thanks big for the answer, was pleasant to meet with " the person without a name " hi-hi-hi