Просмотр полной версии : Tummy on the latch

Tanja Boroznova
08.05.2004, 09:25
Hello, the doctor! At us a problem with a tummy. To mine Mishutke 6 months, with 3 mesjatsev-on klizmah. The doctor has told or said - because of spastiki. The pediatrist recommended to do or make klizmy daily, but I do or make in day since he completely thoracal (not including apple and carrots juice, a banana and a boiled pumpkin, but it not instead of meal, and between), and I read, that thoracal milk almost polngostju is acquired and every day kakat happens there is nothing. And in general this state of affairs very much disturbs me, though to me and have told or said, that spastika is usual by a year passes or takes place, but we cannot sit on klizmah as early as a half-year. As earlier the certificate or act of a defecation occured or happened very quickly after introduction small to-VA cool water, and now sometimes and after 100 grams of the entered water it is impossible. Cries, pulls legs or foots, but any massages and pressings kolenkami on a tummy squeeze out can nothing. Yesterday after klizmy nothing has left, then attempted, has had a sleep, continued to cry, has made one more (but already 50 g waters) in approximately half an hour water from it or him has left, but it is more than anything. It would be desirable to hear possible or probable effective variants of the decision of our problem, and that I am afraid, that constants klizmami I have already put or rendered any harm, the truth on illiteracy in medical questions, I do not know what. If it is possible tell. In advance blaodarna for the answer, yours faithfully.

28.06.2004, 15:59
I in general not the doctor, but mum 2 children 5,5 and 4 goda.nas in infancy observed that very good vrach.i how much or as far as I remember daily clysters it slishkom.variant norms or rates from 3 once a day up to an once in 3 days! From experience prunes water well promotes an independent chair (1 well washed out prunes to fill in 0,5 boiled water. When will cool down to allow to drink on nesk. Teaspoons between feedings) and juice of a boiled (!) beet. Can be (if on age it is possible) sour-milk products on the basis of bifido bacteria. And in general predilection to spastic constipations is an accessory or a belonging to the certain type of nervous system (a source the textbook children's illnesses or diseases n.p.shabalov) health to the kid!