Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At the child (11 months) an allergy on the cow fiber. Prompt...

26.06.2004, 06:35
Hello. At the child (11 months) an allergy on the cow fiber. Prompt, to what can drink yogurt and what cottage cheese is. On Agushu an allergy.

Mum of the child-
27.06.2004, 13:16
If the allergy on the cow fiber, all depends on its or her force, probably, yogurt and will not give reaction. If gives, while this all do not give, not some yogurt, not cottage cheese, a porridge do or make on an admixture gipoallergennoj (with hydrolysis of milk or dairy fiber) or soya. Milk or dairy products too replace with an admixture, but not milk or dairy, but special as I wrote above. In general, to you well to receive consultation allergologa-the immunologist. Be still cautious with a beef. Also descend or go here http: // www. allergology. ru/onconf. jsp

27.06.2004, 22:01
My daughter too had an allergy on fiber korovevogo milk, and on my milk too, she has grown on soya admixtures. On sour-milk products of an allergy at it or her was not, I gave fermented baked milk with bifidofloroj, yogurts with bifidofloroj, did or made yogurt itself with use of ferment "Narine", all porridges we cook on water, tvorozhki fur-trees usual - "Subject", without additives, or I did or made itself - in milk added Calcium chloratum. Now to a daughter of 6 years, she transfers or carries milk, razroslas. Success to you!