Просмотр полной версии : To my child 2 years. One month ago at it or him on an external part stops where leave...

26.06.2004, 11:59
To my child 2 years. One month ago at it or him on an external part stops where there is a lateral ossicle or bonelet, has appeared shishika. We at once have made rengen, but is put. The surgeon has told or said, that the bone is not mentioned or touched, and has appointed or nominated treatment (massage and ointment Argosept), but after treatment shishka not umenshilasju We have addressed to other surgeon, he has told or said, what is it going hrjashchik and it or him it is necessary to remove.
Now I neznaju if it hrjashchik should be deleted it or him or he can disappear in due course.
Advise that to me to do or make.
In advance I thank.

Porohnja V.S.
27.06.2004, 11:26
It is necessary to look or see what is this "hrjashchik".