Просмотр полной версии : Zdravsvujte, To my son of 3 weeks. Children's vrach at the first survey has told or said...

23.06.2004, 10:21
To my son of 3 weeks. Children's vrach at the first survey has told or said - " legs or pinches badly get divorced, probably tonus, is required consultation of the orthopedist, but at us it or him is not present, will come in a month - we shall understand ". A question - as it is dangerous and as urgently it is necessary obrashchatsja to vrachu-to the orthopedist. For the information or inquiry - I in the childhood went with rasporkoj (I do not know - a dysplasia or a predislocation). And I have noticed not symmetry of cords or crimps (on 3 week) on legs or foots (at an extract checked - it was normal).
Except for that have told or said to do or make " Wide pelenanie " - me this term is not clear. We with the wife have solved, that it is necessary to put the combined diaper between legs or foots of the child and freely to swaddle legs or foots - is not assured or confident, what is it correctly.
Have entered the name on reception to the orthopedist in 1 Month (not late?).
Except for that it is not clear, what such " legs or pinches get divorced " - insufficiently it how much not enough? And how much it is necessary (for example what distance up to a table at divorce or degree though it is difficult to measure). And with what force to plant (I am afraid to break) (if longly to hold dissolved or divorced - legs or pinches rasslobljajutsja and get divorced more).
In advance thanks.
PS. If it is possible - give the link to the literature or a site where it is possible for something to learn or find out on this question.

Porohnja V.S.
24.06.2004, 09:56
At your age every day matters. Where do you live? Would read about a pathology t/joints on http: // orthopedist. ru

24.06.2004, 17:01
We live Odintsovo, but on inspection have entered the name for May, 5th in Children's hospital 19 (or 16) (Moscow of m. the Preobrazhenskiy area) in a paid consulting orthopedic cabinet or study.
Except for that yesterday prochel clause or article about scheme or plan Hingelrejnera. Only it is not clear - there to be spoken, what is it only on rengenovskomu to a picture, and I have understood, that to children up to 3 months it or him to do or make it is not desirable (at record on reception for us have told or said, that will do or make US t/joints). Whether It is possible to define or determine parameters of this scheme or plan on US? Thankful in advance.
PS. How on the bill " Wide pelenanija "?

Porohnja V.S.
26.06.2004, 04:11
In tom-continually, that on US these parameters are not defined or determined. If do not want to your child of problems - ask to make x-ray films. For now widely swaddle.

27.06.2004, 00:23
To the son of 16 days. Labors were serious. A double hard encirclement a cord or navel. Doctors have paid attention to a hurried breathing (thus it arises when he is excited, t. e. During surveys when searches for a breast). Inspections (US of a brain, rengen) have shown, that all in norm or rate, except for a cervical department of a backbone
I quote the diagnosis of US: Mobility of segment 3-4 exceeds physiological. " Questions: 1. Whether is the hurried breathing consequence or investigation of a trauma of a cervical department of a backbone? 2. Than the trauma is dangerous? 3. Whether hospitalization is obligatory or it is possible to create conditions of the house necessary for treatment? We are ready to involve corresponding or meeting experts, results of inspections are. 4. Whether you advise domiciliary? If is not present advise somebody. Thanks.