Просмотр полной версии : Prompt pozh-hundred, how much once a day should kakat the child 2 months At us...

25.06.2004, 08:16
Prompt pozh-hundred, how much once a day should kakat the child 2 months At us malyshka hardly kakaet and pukaet happens only once in day. I nurse, the doctor has written out "Agushu" a sour-milk admixture. Except for that before meal we give her ukropuvuju vodichku. Thankful in advance for the answer.

26.06.2004, 13:16
The chair at the child 2 h mes on thoracal feeding can be from 1 up to 3 4 times day, kashitseobraznyj, yellow color. If at the child difficulty at othozhdenii a feces and gases, it is possible to apply a colonic tube, entering it or her in an anus no more, than on 2 3 see For umenshenja quantities or amounts of gases use a preparation "Espumizan" in a syrup on 1 teaspoon 3 times a day