Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At me such problemka, and the problem can also, is exact uzn...

25.06.2004, 21:28
Hello, the doctor! At me such problemka, and the problem can also, precisely I learn or I find out only with your help. I began to notice, couple of months back, that at me from a belly-button as that strange unpleasantly smells, and he sticky all and around of it or him too. But in the beginning has not paid to this attention. Istoija this has proceeded. Now the unpleasant smell and allocation from a belly-button occur or happen each third day. I have noticed, that what allocation of white color and is a little gutovatoe, but then like becomes to a swill. Even after washing away of this zhidkotsi from a belly-button, in minutes 5 all ranvo occurs or happens new allocation and a smell... I do not know, what is it can be such and that to me to do or make....
I thank for the answer.

26.06.2004, 03:14
It is conference - the PEDIATRIST.
Here treat children.