Просмотр полной версии : Were already tortured with regurgitations. Will eat and begins. Shirts on some ra...

The anonym
23.06.2004, 10:34
Were already tortured with regurgitations. Will eat and begins. Shirts on some times after feeding it is changed. And air is let out or released, as it is necessary. Pressure intracranial to us do not put. What is it can be? Can it is strong often I feed? But he at me 5 7 minutes activly pososet and all. Sometimes the breast some times in an hour asks, sometimes in 1 1, 5 hours. At night the same interval.

24.06.2004, 11:13
It with the years passes or takes place, have patience. I too very much liked to attempt and constantly belched. But gde-that from half a year, how much or as far as I remember, it has practically come to naught. You, certainly, often feed, but it seems to me that less often to feed, than the child asks is too not absolutely correctly.

25.06.2004, 21:20
Do not worry, we too ate through everyone 1, 5 hours and often belched, after itself began to sit steadily (6 months), all has passed or has taken place. If the child normally develops and in weight pribovljaet as it is necessary, simply calm down and wait.