Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At the daughter (year and month) climbs to 8 bill a tooth, on top chel...

22.06.2004, 05:32
The dear doctor! At the daughter (year and month) climbs to 8 bill a tooth, on the top jaw. The first have painlessly got out only 2 on bottom in 5 months. On ostalnye-fixing or lingering colds with temperature and tussis. Now again an obstructive bronchitis, and all has begun with ORVI. Obstruction stoped inhalations with kortikoidnym a preparation and bronhorasshirjajushchimi drops, but yesterday 39 the temperature again has suddenly risen. Have made a roentgen - the pneumonia is not present, bronchuses too already almost in norm or rate. Today have appeared also sopli. We live in Germany, local doctors to appoint or nominate antibiotics refuse, as consider or count, what is it virus. But in fact 10 days and any lumen last! At it or her a congenital tracheomalacia (or laringo-, precisely I I do not know). Help or assist the advice or council, what antiviral preparation can be given the child of its or her age and in what dosage. And also than to lift immunity? Thanks.

23.06.2004, 03:57
Really, at an obstructive bronchitis antibacterial therapy is not spent. From antiviral preparations at this age the interferon which at us in Russia (Moscow) is applied in the form of candles is preferable and wears the name "VIFERON" in a dose 250 thousand ED 2 times a day is rectal it is desirable after oporozhnenija an intestine. At you, I think, it is possible to find an antiviral preparation "AMIKSIN" which also is applied at children. Antibiotics are appointed or nominated in case of connection of a bacteriemic or bacterial infection, the control over the child on all extent of a hyperthermia (the raised or increased temperature) therefore is necessary. As to immunoprofilaktiki them there is a plenty (bronhomunal, ribomunil, IRS-19, ehinatseja and dr) and they are applied at often ill or sick children under the control of the analysis of a blood (immunologic).

24.06.2004, 19:02
On procutting of a teeth temperature 39 hailstones not byvae. If 10 days temperature yours 38 hailstones that a/would be given. In Germany och. The service is well developed pulmonologicheskaja. At chronic diseases bronholegochnoj systems developers of the given treatment from Germany appoint or nominate including a kinesitherapy (on nemetski if I am not mistaken and sounds). Can be look for doctors. PS in Germany och. Welfare funds are developed at chronic diseases. Come on a site http: // www. mucoviscidos. ru
Something can will find, I have in view of not about disease, and about funds.

25.06.2004, 06:10
It is not necessary everyones there interferons! Dear me d-r Khaikin who here longly advised, approves or confirms, that action of similar preparations up to the extremity or end is not studied or investigated, that often consequence or investigation of an intervention in immune system are malignant tumours. At us, by the way, was also (when the top incisors were cut, in 8 mes), very fixing or lingering ORVI, was a laryngotracheitis, it last about 20 days. By the way, is better has helped or assisted elekroforez with Calcium chloratum. And, in general, the main thing - plentiful drink, do not muffle up the child, drink a dogrose, still recommend Propolisum.