Просмотр полной версии : If at mum gipoterioz and a thyroiditis, all this developed during the last...

22.06.2004, 19:37
If at mum gipoterioz and a thyroiditis, all this developed during last trimester of pregnancy, an iodine a saw the child can all this inherit? We once already checked it or him, it or this enough or it is necessary to observe?

Krivskaja L.K.
24.06.2004, 13:19
The dear Lena! The hypothyrosis in last trimester of pregnancy is not so terrible to the child (its or his thyroid gland itself well works). That you will not tell or say about the first trimester when the hypothyrosis at mother has irreversible consequences. Time that's all right, anything to do or make more is not necessary. It is very improbable, that the child has inherited a hypothyrosis as own disease.