Просмотр полной версии : At my son (16 years) kifoznaja a posture. Whether its or her correcting manualno is possible or probable...

23.06.2004, 00:54
At my son (16 years) kifoznaja a posture. Whether its or her correcting by manipulation is possible or probable? Wearing thongs of the proof-reader of a posture is how much effective? What is the most radical? In advance I thank.

Porohnja V.S.
23.06.2004, 19:10
IN NO EVENT!!! Do not go to manualshchikam. Manipulation corrects (looking to itself will get) wrong position of normal vertebra or vertebrae, and at your child they sphenoidal or clinoid! Them you will not correct, and from manualki ligaments or cords will become loose also deformation will amplify. Wear girdle Zabely. Show the child, on kyphotic deformation how much is expressed.