Просмотр полной версии : What to do or make at constipations at 2 children?...

21.06.2004, 15:26
What to do or make at constipations at 2 children?

22.06.2004, 00:10
I can will share. To my daughter 2 months. Also have collided or faced already as they say " not diarrhea so.... " Voobshchem, I drank carrots juice or did or made salad of a beet. Helped or assisted always.

22.06.2004, 23:08
We too have passed or have taken place through it, carrots juice, 5 droplets has very much helped or assisted. Try to not do or make often a clyster as from an intestine useful bacteria are washed away. We had that the child 3 days not kakal, and then all normalizovyvalos. Success.