Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, who can collided or faced with such result of analyses....

Mum Irishki
15.06.2004, 02:29
Prompt, please, who can collided or faced with such result of analyses. With a difference in one day have handed over the analysis on disbak and on stafilokok. In the analysis on a dysbacteriosis have found stafilokok not feelings. To staf. bakterioagu, in the analysis on staf stafilokok it is not found out. Here and to that to believe?

18.06.2004, 08:23
And where you did or made them? My girlfriend, the doctor, considers or counts, that to the analyses made in a district clinic, it is impossible to trust especially and if you wish to receive exact results, necessary to learn or find out the address of good laboratory and to bring there.

Mum Irishki
22.06.2004, 04:37
Did or Made just in a district clinic, the city at us small and is more than opportunity to hand over analyses is not present