Просмотр полной версии : Hello! You could not consult on a following question: Reb...

13.06.2004, 23:56
Hello! You could not consult on a following question: to the Child 1 month, have visited or attended the neurologist he in a children's map has written the following without what or komentariev for us. Complaints: screams at feeding, sometimes in a dream, belchs not often Inspection: About. - 37. - 22, O.Gr. - 34., the Child restless, the Face simetrichnoe, Gl. Clefts or rima D = S. The Muscle tone is raised or increased, a paresis of brushes, a leg on palchiki. The diagnosis: Gipoksicheskoe lesion TSNS, in a combination with NTST, SDN, VCHG, simtom nervously reflex excitability. It is recommended: - US of a brain - Fenobarbitalum 0, 005 for the night (whether he is necessary if the child and so easy sleeps???) result of US: Initial rassherenie ventricular system. Whether focal peretsentrulernyj otekv occipital departments of both hemispheres you could not explain for us it is necessary to experience strongly iz-for all these or it not clear for us medentsiskih terms, t. To. To us that have not explained, PROMPT PLEASE.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
14.06.2004, 07:29
Very possibly, what is it a usual case of hyperdiagnostics. It is A lot of questions under the text. For example, if the big fontanel is strained or intense, why it is disregarded (or it is not so strained or intense? Then what for to frighten?). If the PARESIS (t. e. An incomplete paralysis!) brushes (only?) - why the child did not hospitalize? Further, results of US are necessary with digits and the full description. But the formulation " initial expansion of ventricular system " is something hardly applicable in a life. I under your description do not see a substantiation of purpose or appointment of Fenobarbitalum. So while only questions. I advise to address to other doctor or pytat the yet will not give out all secrets:)

14.06.2004, 10:01
Zdrastvujte Dear Vasily Jurevich, we so are grateful for your answer, as "stone" from soul.
To other expert we shall necessarily address, but vsezhe here exact indications of US:
Ehostruktura parenchyma priventikuljarnoj areas it is changed in occipital departments a focal edema at the left 10, 14; on the right 18, 18.
Ehostruktura thalamic departments it is not changed.
subrahnoidalnoe the space is not expanded
The sizes of ventricles:
Koronalnoe section:
Forward horn left 6, right 6.
3 ventricles 12, 4 mm
Saggitalnye and parasaggitalnye sections:
Forward rog-left 8, right 8.
Back rog-left 6, right 6.
Bottom rog-left 17, right 17.
3 ventricles 13, 8 mm.
Well that's all digits and further the Conclusion:
Initial rassherenie ventricular system. Focal peretsentrulernyj (the word is not absolutely clearly written therefore in advance izvenjajus if not correctly it or him has read through) an edema in occipital departments of both hemispheres.
In advance are very grateful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nogovitsyn V.J.
18.06.2004, 02:14
Value or Meanings;Importance NSG without data of survey have small practical value. CHto-to something about 3 ventricle write not that, most likely it or him have confused with other education, in 2 3 months NSG alter. The basic attention - on a clinical picture! 90 % of the information turn out at survey. In case of what - can approach or drop in on me (if the geography allows).

21.06.2004, 15:55
Thanks for the answer, but unfortunately we are in "podmoskove" 1500 km. Up to Moscow.
But vsezhk are very grateful for all