Просмотр полной версии : Hello. It again I still wished to ask the little son gde-that in 5 months p...

19.06.2004, 22:45
Hello. It again I still wished to ask the little son gde-that in 5 months prirosla a prepuce (on pisechke) did or made operation, t. To. Was vospolenie. All was good now to us 11 and at us the same problem. Does not give protiret all inside, there is a small reddening. The husband speaks it is necessary to do or make a circumcision. WHETHER TELL or SAY IT WILL help or assist OR NOT, OR AGAIN TO REMOVE KRAJNUJU the FLESH. THANKS

21.06.2004, 12:26
To us spoke till 3 years nothing to touch or tamper with and to not remove a flesh if after 3 h years there will be a narrowing a flesh can, and a circumcision... Know, not seeing the child who to you of that will tell or say. Look for the good surgeon children's, it is better - than the urologist, and let will look or see. It is better, if young. At them more ovrememnnye views.