Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To my daughter 7, 5. 15 March and till now not spa...

18.06.2004, 00:00
Hello, the doctor! To my daughter 7, 5. 15 March and till now does not fall down temperature (37, 2 38) At it or her till now have not appeared a teeth, she does not creep and sits unstably. First have told or said that at it or her a throat is inflamed (SHOUT). Received injections of Ampicillinum of 10 days, have then told or said at the child a rachitis though we accepted vitamin D-3. Us have directed to nevropotologu, she has diagnosed: a hypoxia, VCHgipertenzija. Has appointed or nominated " Cavintonum, aktovegin, mixture with tsetralja ", massage and US of a brain. On US have told or said, that all in norm or rate, there is an insignificant hypoxia and she should pass or take place. OAK, OAM-have told or said in norm or rate. The child is capricious, flaccid. The temperature almost stably keeps on 37, we accept Cavintonum of 1/4 tablets 2 times a day, m-ru with TSetralja.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
20.06.2004, 06:39
It has no attitude or relation to a neurologic pathology. Purposes or appointments of your neurologist neobosnovany. It is necessary to exclude current infectious process (can be in any organ, the pediatrist should search).