Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvuite, Doctor skajite pojalusta kakovi prognozi dlya rebenka s zabo...

18.06.2004, 11:04
Zdravstvuite, Doctor
skajite pojalusta kakovi prognozi dlya rebenka s zabolevaniem Infantile spasms (West syndrom)?
diagnoz obnarujili pol goda nazad, seichas rebenky 1, 5 goda. Prinimaem topamax.
Otstavanie v razvitie-do six por ne polzaem i ne xodim.. tolko sidim.
oznachaet li eto chto nash malish obrechen na pojiznennii priem medikamentov?
Vozmojno li takoe chto s vozrastom detki mogyt "pererasti" eto zabolevanie i bit zdorovimi?
pojaluista otvette.
i drygoi vopros-chto chashe vsego yavlyaetsya prichinoi dlya podobnogo diagnoza? Beremennost protekala xorosho bez otklonenii.
Esli bili prenatalnie otkloneniya.. kakim-to obrazom kakie-libo testi mogli bi eto pokazat? Ya regulyarno nablydalas y vrachei i sdavala vse anlizi. Mi 99 % ubejdenni chto vse eto iz-za nepravilnogo vedeniya rodov (rojala ya v US). U rebenka bila gipoksiya..
Ya nenaviju amerikanskix doktorov!!!!!!!!!!!! Oni mne ugrobili sina......................

Nogovitsyn V.J.
19.06.2004, 23:29
The forecast is extremely serious. Full convalescence happens to a cancelling of treatment no more, than in 10 % of cases, more often syndrome Vesta is really connected with lifelong treatment and backlog in development. In occasion of charge of doctors - you most likely are wrong. Complications after sorts or labors also prove shortly after have happened, instead of in a year. Most likely genetic conditionality of disease. There is a mass of the hereditary statuses shown s-mom Vesta and to find out them up to sorts or labors is unreal, it is impossible to hand over analyses at once on all to illness or disease. Nevertheless, the probability of other reasons of illness or disease too exists, but it is conversation not for correspondence discussion.