Просмотр полной версии : Who nibud here will answer questions?! At us with the husband such dispute: If malch...

13.06.2004, 10:07
Who nibud here will answer questions?! At us with the husband such dispute: If the boy (3 weeks) starts to cry " hungry we cry " through 1, whether 5 2 hours after meal it is necessary to feed it or him? When it or him you will feed he uspokaevaetsja, but it can be simple at it or him the tummy from frequent feeding hurts? Our doctor speaks that it would be necessary to accustom it or him there are each 4 hours but how it to make if he dusherazderajushche cries? He well adds in weight, and last time when we have measured he has blown 150 gr. Milk.

The anonym
15.06.2004, 02:17
Now it is very fashionable to feed children "on demand". I so fed the without problems. It is important to feel a difference between the demand to eat and any problems. Usually you at once sweep up or will notice, if the stomach or belly he pososet literally some seconds and lean back back hurts, starts to shout even more, everyones begin there regurgitations and so forth GAZ cars too have very characteristic display in behaviour of the kid. Do not worry and feed the child how he prosiit, in it or this is not present anything unnatural. Well, imagine, if you have forced to eat strictly on hours, moreover and strict norm or rate? Who such will sustain? And the baby - let eats when wants and how much wants, it is not necessary to force it or him.

16.06.2004, 00:49
Mine malyshke 6 months
And she quite often asks to eat
In two hours. Unless it is possible to give up
In pleasure to itself and the child:)))
The first month she vobshche it is possible to tell or say
prirosla to siske:))).
Colics were but was remembered only three attacks.
There are droplets from kolikov.

17.06.2004, 06:49
Mine malyshke 6 months
And she quite often asks to eat
In two hours. Unless it is possible to give up
In pleasure to itself and the child:)))
The first month she vobshche it is possible to tell or say
prirosla to siske:))).
Colics were but was remembered only three attacks.
There are droplets from kolikov.

17.06.2004, 15:47
Thanks. I and thought. Pleasantly that you have once again confirmed it.

Bagautdinova I.V.
19.06.2004, 06:59
It agree with the night author on October, 12th, do not try "to starve" the child, especially, if you such good mum that can distinguish crying whimsical from hungry. Now there is a technique vskarilivanija the child "on demand" and if the child will not be worries, enough (600 800) will put on weight for the first month of a life, means at All of you by way of.