
Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Advise please! To the son of 5 years, has begun at night pisitsja...

14.06.2004, 00:30
Advise please! To the son of 5 years, has begun at night pisitsja, labiums began to dry and has lost weight on 3 kg (he was never thick, but became as a skeleton) Have spent in a hospital obsledovanie-diagnose Diabetum. Disturbances at US any have not found out, all in norm or rate. One week ago handed over on sahar-showed 8 10. As a result of inspection in a hospital (took a blood and urine everyone 4 chasa-in urine of 2 %, in a blood 16 18) Doctors speak Saccharum that it is necessary to begin insulinic injections. Whether there is other way of treatment?

Krivskaja L.K.
15.06.2004, 21:50
Dear Dima while it is a unique way to help or assist your boy. Alas. Do not hesitate with treatment.

18.06.2004, 20:40
Ask at Lariny, can, will find the healer: http: // larina. by. ru