Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To my son 3, 5 years. At present from till now periodich...

18.06.2004, 10:16
Hello. To my son 3, 5 years. At present from till now periodically pisaet in trousers (misses) in the afternoon. And about a night dream and to speak it is not necessary. Like before a dream also will promise, that will call me if will want in a toilet, but alas when calls (and that not always) it is usually already wet. At its or his night 2 times on a pot I put or plant. Here only I shall not understand this deviation or rejection from norm or rate? (simply my daughter (her now 5) has started to have a seat on a pot itself already in 2 years and since then never pisaetsja. Prompt, whether it is necessary to spend inspection and how to solve this problem. Paren-that already quite adult.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
18.06.2004, 17:35
While it is possible to wait. In our country conditionally it is considered norm or rate up to 4 (the some people - up to 5) years, in the some people up to 6 7. More than 90 % of all children with a uracrasia "recover" to teenage age.