Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Has noticed, that at the child (8 weeks) become nesimmet...

09.06.2004, 14:00
Hello the doctor! Has noticed, that at the child (8 weeks) become asymmetrical skladochki on legs or pinches. In a month in an out-patient department have not got to the orthopedist - he was on the sick-list, but knew, that look such symmetry, she was kept at us at that age, but now I notice, that on the right legs or pinches skladochki become less expressed and one in general is not present... Whether prompt, about what it speaks, whether it is necessary for something to correct, do or make special exercises? As to the orthopedist now we shall get only in 3 months, and the paid centers in our small city are not present, and to lose sight of a situation it would not be desirable. Many thanks, to you I shall be very grateful!

Porohnja V.S.
13.06.2004, 07:07
Cluneal cords or crimps have diagnostic value or meaning;importance only. The orthopedist is obliged to look all born in the first days, in 3, 6 and 12 months. Why you cannot get to it or him;them on the first survey?

13.06.2004, 13:52
At us small city, paid clinics are not present, and in a local out-patient department the orthopedist on the sick-list, to carry kuda-that is problematic iz-for absence of the machine or car, well to not go for a drive with such small child on the bus in the winter... Though if there will be a necessity it is necessary

Mum Olja and daughter Ksenja
13.06.2004, 22:24
Dear mummy! The dear doctor, zravstvujte! We carried on the daughter monthly by a taxi, any money it is not a pity if only to learn or find out the diagnosis and voremja to begin treatment because displozija (and at us dislocations) it is treated the more quickly, than earlier to begin. Do not hesitate!

Porohnja V.S.
17.06.2004, 10:45
Lana to put the exact diagnosis all the same it is necessary to make a x-ray film t/joints in a direct projection. Therefore agree with roentgenologists and poezzhajte. Mum Olja of the right.