Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Weeks three back my child (5 mes) has learned perevorachi...

15.06.2004, 15:44
The dear doctor!
Weeks three back my child (5 mes) has learned to overturn from a back on a stomach or belly and on the contrary - and spins now during wakefulness constantly. In some days after that events in its or his chair has appeared nitochka a scarlet blood. We the doctor has told or said, that if so happens only once it is the child perevertelsja, here sosudik any and has bursted.
However last ten days similar bloody nitochki appeared once again in dva-three days. The day before yesterday them was even a little.
We have handed over the analysis of a feces on an occult blood (results while are not present).
Chair (both now, and always earlier) yellow, liquid, sometimes (basically infrequently) meet belenkie lumps of undigested milk - the child completely on thoracal feeding.
Mesjats-an one and a half analyses on a dysbacteriosis and a scatology - back did or made all in norm or rate. Then did or made uzi GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. Too any deviations or rejections have not revealed. (then all this was done or made in the preventive purposes). The gastroenterologist in our out-patient department is not present, I have entered the name on reception in Institute it or him. Gabrichevskogo, but there only on June, 9th and platno - therefore it would be desirable to come to the doctor already with all necessary analyses.
1. What analyses still will recommend to us to make?
2. In general, similar signs specify what disease?
Whether 3. It is necessary to keep any regimen now already?
4. The Child now completely on thoracal feeding, but t. To. To him half a year is fast, I am going to one of these days to begin prikorm, whether it is necessary to wait a little with it or him?
(I heard, what the similar blood in a feces can be at an allergy on milk? I do not drink Whole milk, and sour-milk products I consume enough. Whether it is necessary to refuse them? In general the child is inclined to a diathesis, but now rashes any are not present, therefore sour-milk I eat while).

The child feels well, in weight adds and in general is fresh and vigorous. (Only today a little bit the temperature has risen up to 37, 4, but it t. To. To him yesterday the second AKDS have made, reaction to an inoculation)

In advance I thank for the answer.

Khaikin And.
16.06.2004, 08:32
Be not excruciated. Show the child to the children's surgeon. By the description at it or him an elementary fissure (treshchinka a proctal or an anal aperture).