Просмотр полной версии : Natalia, categorialities the person at me just also were not. I have written, that...

14.06.2004, 13:49
Natalia, categorialities the person at me just also were not. I have written, that ourselves started to accept as a preparation of vitamin "D" its or his aqueous solution (unfortunately, I I do not remember, whose manufacture). I have only told or said, that some pediatrists to whom I trust, to me have recommended other preparation in other form. (Specially I do not write the name, and you me again accuse that of promotion of any muck.) we it or him accepted also result were good (pediatrists have defined or determined result, for example, to that we had very big fontanel, and after reception of a preparation he began to be closed the child became faster + was much quieter + at it or him uploshchen and it too began to pass or take place a nape + he has ceased to sweat, etc.) In general, the result was appreciable. At the child of mine of the employee after reception of this preparation has passed or has taken place a diathesis + all aforesaid me. I also have recommended this preparation, t. To. Has tried it or him personally on native edirnstvennom the child. Now concerning to my scepticism to yours messidzhu. I repeat, I referred to own experience. But as the professional in information sphere I very badly trust links of type " authoritative sources approve or confirm " (as it was at you). It very much reminds advertising leading veterinarians recommend Kitti-ket or something of type of it or this. But in advertising even show beautiful happy cats, that nevertheless adds persuasiveness. Therefore Kitti-ket many also buy. Can, many on this site and were satisfied with your link. But I, as the professional sceptic, wish to know the name, firmu-the manufacturer, stranu-the manufacturer, whether you used this preparation. If I have received from you more detailed information it is quite possible or probable, that this very day would go to a drugstore and have bought or purchased an aqueous solution of vitamin "3". It I am quite serious. Anyway, let's not take offence against each other any more. Success to you!

Brejkin D.V.
14.06.2004, 16:29
Ladies, Ladies!!! Not ssortes! Each preparation has a scope. Vitamin D really liposoluble. However at newborn children processing and an absorption of Adepses zatrudnenno vsvjazi with a dismaturity of corresponding or meeting systems. Therefore the water-soluble soaked up form of vitamin of D.Po to researches and observations of pediatrists has been developed, anyway Sankt-Petersburg MAPO (Medical Academy Poslediplomnogo of Education) and Pediatric Academy the water-soluble form is a little more active, is possible or probable because Adepses are worse soaked up. Especially this form is shown in the first months of a life, and also at children with a food allergy. And on the second these two forms of a preparation are peer to year of a life the second half-year on activity. At this time application of this or that preparation is defined or determined by convenience of dosage (so the form of release, packing, a batcher, the maintenance or contents of a preparation in unit volumes and t. Item), Presence of an accompanying pathology (an allergy, malabsorbtsija and t. Item) and, certainly, presence of a preparation in a drugstore, by. Cod-liver oil now to premeneniju is not recommended, as it is impossible to define or determine the dose of vitamin D received by the child, also cod-liver oil possesses high sensitizing (allergizujushchej) activity that is not desirable presently when high body height of allergic diseases which in the majority begin at early age is marked or celebrated. Well and certainly taste at cod-liver oil is not very pleasant:))) Personally I recommend an aqueous solution of vitamin 3 more often. I hope has answered your questions? Success.

16.06.2004, 04:58
Inna, I do not test to you any antipathy, is simply allocated by many knowledge, in particular concerning various preparations, I know that an aqueous solution of vitamin 3, have passed or have taken place mass of clinical tests, and in Moscow and Petersburg, and it or him applied also he much better oil, it is much more convenient to me to tell or say to mum, necessary one drop, than to tell about oil 00000, I do not remember there what solutions... We In Peterbuge, have only a Polish preparation, 500 ME in a drop, and assure you for a year of its or his application, my patients do not know, that such a rachitis, and the literature read, and with representatives of a factory communicated, vobshchem there was a favorable impression about a preparation.