Просмотр полной версии : To the child 4, 5 years, the rich lexicon, however the logopedist speaks much...

11.06.2004, 20:06
To the child 4, 5 years, speak much, the rich lexicon, however is diagnosed by the logopedist a dysarthtia, in connection with that that is limped on all zvuki-shchipjashchie, whistling, l, r. That is shown at such diagnosis. While have gone or send in logopedic sadik, but othodiv week we are ill or sick month.

Agashkina O.M.
15.06.2004, 00:17
Larissa, at the diagnosis a dysarthtia is shown to be engaged with the logopedist! Before to put sounds, normalize muscles of tongue, labiums, cheeks - by means of massage and articulation gymnastics.

16.06.2004, 01:19
Thanks, we try to be engaged in it or this just!