Просмотр полной версии : pozhalusta advise, that to us 1 to the Girl 3 1 mes, it is literally month...

14.06.2004, 16:17
pozhalusta advise, that to us 1 to the Girl 3 1 mes, it is literally one month ago suddenly began to stammer, does not stammer at all, and wishes something to tell or say and repeats one and too a word, all happens, after for the first time we have been compelled or forced to leave it or her at the mother-in-law for 2 weeks, I laid in hospital. And the husband works. The girl has started to speak early, in a year already well and distinctly spoke offers simple 2-3 words, utters all letters, but here it zakanie, about the mother-in-law I can think nothing bad, probably it is stress, we before did not leave it or her even for 1 day, in any case, what to us to do or make?

Rjabova N.K.
15.06.2004, 16:12
Yanin. I think, that as a result really stressful situation at the child the stammering has begun. It is necessary to show the girl to the logopedist urgently. The earlier you will start to be engaged, the it is more than chances of success. While limit speech dialogue, is better to keep silent week. If it is difficult, try to speak the phrases consisting of one word and as small as possible. Learn the child and speak whisper. Limit any irritating factors: viewing of the TV, noisy visitors and games with children, etc. And somewhat quicker address to the logopedist - do not tighten or delay.