Просмотр полной версии : To the child of 7 years. All Mantoux reactions, since the first, positive. After kazhd...

11.06.2004, 18:49
To the child of 7 years. All Mantoux reactions, since the first, positive. After each assay - a direction on analyses, rengen and td, all in norm or rate. A question: what it is necessary to make for the termination or discontinuance of these regular campaigns on hospitals?

14.06.2004, 19:05
It is necessary to know what assays in sizes, you should direct on consultation to the phthisiatrician, only the doctor will solve, that at you, is possible or probable tubas. A bend, whether treatment, tubas is necessary. infitsirovannost, at positive assays it is recommended 1 2 to do or make a Mantoux reaction and R-grafiju a thorax. Your child is predisposed to tubas. To disease, it is better perestahovatsja, than to hurt or be ill;be sick and consequences can be not favorable. Your child at this age is very contact. In our country disease by a tuberculosis is very high. The tuberculosis can be not only easy or light;mild, but also other organs - an intestine, bones, etc. So, that do not regret time and annually pass or take place inspection.