Просмотр полной версии : To my daughter three years, at us such problem: Approximately three months ago...

08.06.2004, 20:48
To my daughter three years, at us such problem:
Approximately three months ago, we have exposed to the wind sponges on a frost. After that it or she had a skin on labiums. Our excruciatings have begun. She tears off a skin up to a blood when covers, but also not only when falls asleep. And one year ago she pulled out to herself hair on a head, has made a bald head. At usypanii, pulled out scraps of hair. Prompt what to do or make? I explained to her, but does not help or assist.

The anonym
09.06.2004, 14:03
Vam srochno k vrachy u yze davno pora bulo kogda ona tolko nachala vuruvat volosu. Napushute chtoto o semie, potomychto vrach ne smozet otvetut. Ydachu

Pisarenko N.A.
10.06.2004, 23:25
Explanations here are absolutely senseless, with the child - not losing time - to the psychologist and solve the problem on therapy.

14.06.2004, 07:27
Thanks, for the answer. But I live in Germany, therefore to you I cannot address.
It would be desirable to find the good expert here.
The girl washing was born not full-term. Family at us normal at anybody no deviations or rejections are present.
We do not smoke, we do not drink. The only thing, my husband strict and I struggle with it or him. I explain, what is it the girl, etc. He practically does not beat it or her, sometimes after the priest when will already get. Here so.
Once again, many thanks.