Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To a daughter, 6 years, have diagnosed falshhorda a left ventricle and...

11.06.2004, 11:02
Hello! To a daughter, 6 years, have diagnosed falshhorda a left ventricle and the expressed bradyarrhythmia. What does it mean? In particular, bradyarrhythmia?

Tutelman K.M.
13.06.2004, 00:44
Falsh the chorda or an additional chorda is a small anomaly of development of heart. Comes in most cases to light or is in most cases taped on EhoKG as a source of the hum, nevertheless any image does not influence on serdenuju activity. And here bradyarrhythmia (urezhennoe spasmodic palpitation) demands specification how much or as far as she is expressed, what else attributes come to light or are taped. Separately bradyarrhythmia can meet on a background of the raised or increased tonus parasimpaticheskoj nervous system or to be connected with dysfunction sinusovogo the site.