Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To a daughter of 7 months. Since 4 h months we are ill or sick ORZ. In general with...

09.06.2004, 03:51
Hello! To a daughter of 7 months. Since 4 h months we are ill or sick ORZ. In total three times, first time were ill almost one and a half month. Second time week... There was a rhinitis. Never there were temperatures. During the second illness or disease at it or her the beginnings strongly to sweat a head. Now a sweating otalas. When the head from it or her " wet fever " proceeds, that at a touch a forehead normal and temperatures are not present sweats. Two days ago under a upper eyelid has bursted kappiljar... Bloody sinjachok till now...
The pediatrist has put ORZ, a rhinitis, II;
Has registered:
1: Akvadetrim 5/2 in den/1 mes
2: Elkar 20 % 10/2 times in den/1
3: Vitamin E of 10 % of oils or butters. rastv. 2./1 in den/3.
4: Glycerophosphatum of a calcium 1/2./3 in den/1.
5: In nose Sanolin on 2 vspryskivanija/4 in den/7 10 days.
You tell or say please how much or as far as approve the given treatment and the diagnosis? And about ORZ... Except for Sanolina anything unless to accept it is not necessary? Can be offer the variant of treatment? I not so trust that to vitamin D... Can be probably replace with cod-liver oil with a broth? And a calcium... I heard that the calcium is hardly acquired also it or him it is necessary to accept with "something", that helps or assists him to be acquired better.
Thanks you in advance!

Bolshakova M.A.
09.06.2004, 17:37
Anything bad in the offered treatment is not present.

11.06.2004, 20:08
And you do not have diathesis? At us at detki the rhinitis begins simultaneously with an exacerbation of a diathesis. Mucous that are irritated... Still the rhinitis can go from a teeth. At the girlfriend at the child so. Zubik climbs, mucous swell - here and a rhinitis. The sweating head at us was too. Very strongly sweated. Have started to give akvadetrim - all has passed or has taken place.