Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I addressed here to nurseries to the neurologist and the dermatologist, but otve...

09.06.2004, 22:58
Hello! I addressed here to nurseries to the neurologist and the dermatologist, but the answer have not received, can, you will respond. To my son of one and a half month, at it or him a dysbacteriosis and the raised or increased intracranial pressure. We accepted mixture with magnesia, Dibazolum, Pantogamum and we continue to accept bifidumbakterin. At us two problems:
1. After New year iz-for New Year's indulgences in my diet and, maybe, Pantogamum, at us poured out an eruption which has gradually covered all head including ears and a neck, and has gone on a breast. After washing cheredoj, like, it became easier. Iz-for what it and how to treat, if suddenly will repeat? I have relaxed 1 day, and reaction proceeds till now.
2. How to shift a night dream? Last time he falls asleep after 1 2 h one o'clock in the morning. We try to not allow to sleep in the afternoon but if it is too pressed, the boy cries. It will not affect or influence its or his mentality?

Muraveva E.M.
11.06.2004, 09:22
1) Any eruptions at the child the doctor as you can wrongly accept an allergic eruption for infectious should look and incorrectly give treatment.
2) To shift night dream very difficultly, is an individual biological rhythm of the child and within first two years he will vary even proceeding from its or his feedings, walks, etc. Try to lift it or him earlier in the morning, but as a rule, these actions of result do not bring.