Просмотр полной версии : Hello, I 2, 5 years for the night dress to the son a pampers of firm a pampers (dy...

11.06.2004, 03:14
Hello, I 2, 5 years for the night dress to the son a pampers of firm a pampers (breathing), heard, what pampers are harmful to boys, in connection with posledubshchim sterility or barrenness, whether the truth it? Whether it is possible for me and further fearlessly to dress to the son a pampers for the night?

11.06.2004, 08:29
ZDRASTVUJTE, SVETLANA! I hurry you to calm: only for the night - it is not harmful, especially such qualitative diapers, as PAMPERS. Harmfully, when the child all the day long and all the night long rots in a pampers, and lazy mother only changes them... So, in your case to worry it is not necessary! SUCCESS to YOU And HEALTH!!!