Просмотр полной версии : Dejstvitelnoli to use disposable paper diapers so it is harmful? On...

02.06.2004, 15:16
Dejstvitelnoli to use disposable paper diapers so it is harmful? We the pediatrist speaks, that they negatively I influence formation and the further correct functioning of genitals, especially at boys - ostensibly, iz-for a strong overheat.

03.06.2004, 00:05
It absolutely agree with your doctor. Testicles at boys should not overheat (as, however, and at men..) in the USA have been carried out researches according to which from the moment of ocurrence in a fashion dzhinsov-man's sterility or barrenness considerably or much has increased, on the same prichine-it is narrow and warmly). Besides at constant application of pampers and t. The item at the child is worse formed need or requirement to be wetted in a pot. Use them only at campaigns in an out-patient department and at long walks. Yours faithfully, Natalia Jurena, vrach-a homeopathist, altermir@74. ru

04.06.2004, 03:50
Well for delirium about jaichkov???
Well you adult people!!! You that consider or count, that in gauze diapers testicles heat up less. There in general all rots and to the priest sticks.
Personally at me the boy. To him already 6 oh month. I use only pampers. The only thing, certainly, it is impossible to hold the child constantly in pampers. I put on a disposable diaper golenkogo hour on 2 in its or his evening and he has a rest. Also he takes air baths during each changing clothes and massage. At us on the priest never even reddenings was, and at everyone who uses gauze diapers an eruption constantly on the priest jumps out.
And about sterility or barrenness at boys is a full delirium.
The endocrine system at boys is formed only by 13 years. To-that I also look, that all men who goes in jeans and not in family cowards suffer sterility or barrenness. Success and listen to any nonsenses less!!!

05.06.2004, 00:51
Dear anastasija. There is such way of prevention of duplication of large and average horned livestock. On eggs it or him dress warm saccules and after a while at them the spermatogenesis stops, accordingly they cannot be made multiple copies, t. e. Become fruitless! And you never reflected, why ovaries at women inside of an organism, and testicles at men outside? And so, that did not overheat. You think, what a science owing to which there is a modern civilization, is so silly, what talks any ahineju in occasion of an overheating of testicles? Yours faithfully, Dmitry, vrach-the pediatrist.

06.06.2004, 04:07
"Hotbed effect". Especially frighten of it or this mums of boys: say, pampers do not allow a skin "to breathe", therefore the temperature of a scrotum is broken, that in the further negatively influences genesial function. Actually in pampers the temperature of a scrotum raises or increases slightly and any influence on health does not render. Besides responsible or crucial for development or manufacture of man's hormones of cell Lejdiga till three years are extremely passive, and the spermatogenesis and at all begins not earlier than 7 8 years. About what disturbance of genesial function there can be a speech?

07.06.2004, 00:07
Dear Elena! It agree with you, in pampers (good) hotbed effect does not arise almost (if the child to not wrap up). Actually speech washing went not about it or this, and about sterility or barrenness owing to an overheating. Pampers should not be abused in connection with that children get used to go there and later and more difficultly get used to a pot.

07.06.2004, 22:31
BreyD, concerning that with pampers the child longly gets used to a pot it agree. Itself I am excruciated now with the daughter. The child very much smyshlennyj, umnenky, but on a pot to go categorically refuses, he at it or her instead of panamki sometimes happens. I shall be excruciated further. Simply the question was in occasion of an overheat. Thanks.

09.06.2004, 13:25
Dear BreyD. Actually there are many discussions in occasion of harm of pampers. In this connection, I have a following question: if pampers so are harmful to boys (it is a question of sterility or barrenness) why them will not forbid at all? For certain, by their development, they pass or take place clinical and many other things tests before them will allow to use. Personally we use Huggies and I am very happy or am (at me the boy). It seems to me, that now vobshche without pampers to not manage.

09.06.2004, 22:05
And in the rest of the time it is necessary to use gauze podguznikami-the remarkable decision, let rots to itself, it in fact is not terrible, only disposable diapers harmful...

11.06.2004, 02:10
Dear anastasija. If you closely or attentively read, should notice, that about sterility or barrenness at use of GOOD diapers of speech did not go. The main thing - these or it " super breathing " diapers to not wrap up especially strongly, and that the hotbed effect nevertheless can develop (the child thus all the same will be dry). Speech that at abusing diapers of children it is much more complex or difficult to accustom to a pot, they do not want it or this, as have got used to comfort and so. I tried to explain to you, that sterility or barrenness because of an overheat of testicles absolutely really!

11.06.2004, 07:47
While we went in pampers ("Pampers"), in the child constantly found out bacteria in urine. At the kid narrowing of a prepuce, daily trays or basins with potassium permanganate did not help or assist. As soon as have refused from pampersov-the analysis in norm or rate. So business not only in sterility or barrenness. Though pampers are so conveniently!