Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors, to my child 2 7 months. The child began to go 1 year...

Fuada, 32 years
05.06.2004, 06:19
Dear doctors, to my child 2 7 months. The child began to go 1 year 3 mesjatsja, and at once on tiptoe. I thought with the years eto will be corrected. But by 2 years I have begun worries also to me have advised to do or make massage, because at it or her a hypertonus of muscles of legs or foots. After a course of massage she to put began really to stop pravilnob but in a month tiho-has silently started to go anew natsypochkah. I have made to her 3 courses of massage now she goes periodically on tiptoe, periodically on stop. Recently I was at the neuropathologist in a of Baku she to me have told or said that at my child the residual phenomena from an asphyxia and have appointed or nominated treatment without any inspections. I wish to inform still that at it or her the head often sweats, a head hot than a body, the child whimsical, raised or excited. It or she since a birth has a small scar in the field of coccyx. Pregnancy passed or took place without any visible disturbances. Labors were prompt or impetuous - the first labors of fight have begun 21 : 00 has given birth 4 : 00. Neuropathologists speak if not polechish till 3 years then will be late. I ask you naz nachit to me what inspections to the child it is necessary to make, how it is valid eto a pathology serious - the forecast? And whether it is necessary to me to arrive to Moscow on consultation? In advance I thank.

Dr. Kushel
05.06.2004, 14:16
Good afternoon, you could not inform a circle of a head of the child for the present or true moment, and is more detailed describe what is this "scar" on coccyx???
Yours faithfully, D-r Kushel

Fuada, 32 years
06.06.2004, 17:59
Thanks big for such fast reply. The cicatrix is there, where usually raspologaetsja dermoid cysts. First pregnancy, I accepted tablets of a gland and Acidum folicum. I predpologala, can be it have prevented any hernia of a spinal cord. Length of cicatrix 2: 1 sm visible on coccyx, and 1 sm remains between cluneal cords or crimps. A circle of a head 21 see
In advance I thank you.

Fuada, 32 years
08.06.2004, 03:22
Dear doctor, excuse measurements has wrongly written in inches. I write anew length of a scar of 4 sm: 1 sm visible on coccyx, 3 sm remain between cluneal cords or crimps. A circle of a head 51 I Shall be see very grateful if you will give your opinion and will respond on predydushie questions on researches and necessities of consultation for Moscow.

Dr. Kushel
09.06.2004, 14:46
???. A circle of a head of 21 sm???? Can 51?

Dr. Kushel
10.06.2004, 23:39
Good afternoon,
The big sense to go to Moscow for inspection I do not see. The hypertonus of muscles of legs or foots cannot be connected with " a scar on kopchike/a sacrum " - from it or this happens gipotonus more likely. I think, that is global yours the neurologist of the right. The basic medical action in situations similar to yours is time. Massage is unequivocally useful. Yours faithfully, D-r Kushel