Просмотр полной версии : To the son 1 year, in the middle of June has sharply begun a strange rhinitis without sopelek, hrju...

08.06.2004, 16:52
To the son 1 year, in the middle of June has sharply begun a strange rhinitis without sopelek, grunts and pohrapyvaet especially at night. During that moment a teeth were strongly cut. The ENT nazanachala all over again protorgol (without results), then Furacilinum with an adrenaline - effect was, but have ceased to drip - again too most. Have sent to the allergist (At it or him a diathesis still), nazanachili Kromoglin while dripped, all was normal. One month ago has had been ill ORZ, with Furacilinum about an adrenaline have treated - it was normal, has ceased to drip - again grunts. Also two teeth are again cut simultaneously. But at us autumn - nothing blossoms, there is nothing allergy to be! The ENT intelligible does not speak anything. The QUESTION - whether can be a rhinitis on a teeth? And whether possesses Kromomglin vasoconstrictive action. Can it is meaningful bakposev hand over from a nose? In advance thanks.

Balashova T.L.
10.06.2004, 17:38
JUlja, on clinic vse-taki it is similar to an allergic rhinitis (by the way, there is he not only on flowering in the spring or in the summer). Vasoconstrictive effect Kromoglin does not possess, it is cleanly antiallergic preparation.