Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. To my daughter 3 years. Often is ill or sick with catarrhal diseases...

09.06.2004, 12:07
Good afternoon. To my daughter 3 years. Often is ill or sick with catarrhal diseases (tussis. A rhinitis, zalozhennost a nose). You tselesobraznym consider or count application of candles Viferon 1 under the following scheme or plan; on 2 suppositories in day daily - 10 days on 2 suppositories in den-3 times in a week of 2 weeks, on 2 in day 2, 1 time for the night - 2 weeks, or can be bromhomunal? If is not present, prompt something another. Yours faithfully. Svetlana. I wait for a prompt reply.

Bolshakova M.A.
10.06.2004, 17:03
Immunomoduljatorov it is a lot of. Komu-Someone helps or assists one medicine, someone another is better... Viferon and Bronhomunal - different preparations. One influences viruses, another on microbes. It is possible to follow policy Viferona and to look or see, that will be