Просмотр полной версии : The girl, 2 years, more year suffers constipations. Nothing helped or assisted. With...

06.06.2004, 08:42
The girl, 2 years, more year suffers constipations. Nothing helped or assisted. Last 2 months in general independently to go - big could not. The doctor has registered a course: mineral butter or oil, razmegchitel a chair plus of hay for the night. The chair became softer, sometimes even diarrhea, but attempts to keep it or him became even more desperately, - - all the day complaints and desires in a toilet, and each excrement is accompanied by terrible cries and hour hysterics. Advise what to do or make? Whether it is possible to continue to give yogurt?

07.06.2004, 01:44
Marina, and Vyy are assured, chchto have tried all the products normalizing a chair? My younger daughter had terrible constipations, but all was normalized, when she began to eat on two pieces kivi in day. My mum told, that as was excruciated with my sister. The sister was helped or assisted only by spinach. Try or taste (dried apricots, a fig, apples, the fresh bilberry very well helps or assists, etc., something should help or assist). Laxative can be used, as a single agent, but to use it or him constantly very much not fine.

08.06.2004, 09:07
Really, laxatives give an abdominal pain, and finally the intestine ceases to work itself. Try to feed your daughter so: it is a little vodichki, then, minutes through 10, vegetables or fruit (especially well dried apricots, plums, a water-melon), and then (minutes through 15) already a garnish (a porridge, a potato, etc.). Fruit and vegetables are digested in a thin intestine and in a stomach practically are not late, therefore it is better to eat them before the basic reception of nutrition. I and feed the one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, and while with a chair of problems was not present.
Also observe, from what fruktov-vegetables at your girl the easiest or lightest;most mild chair, and more often them enter.

09.06.2004, 18:58
Yes, has forgotten to add, that all kinds of meat, an egg, a porridge, bread of all kinds cause constipations. Therefore it is necessary to eat them together with vegetables or fruit (and ovoshchej-fruit should be more). Meat there are enough 1 2 times a week, eggs too.

10.06.2004, 10:11
Dear Marina! It is necessary to exclude, first of all, an organic pathology of the bottom departments tostoj intestines by means of internal consultation destkogo the proctologist, for example, in scientific research institute of pediatrics of Russian Academy of Medical Science (NTSZD Russian Academy of Medical Science). If there all in holiday on ph. 415 88 64 (Mobile medicine), it is possible to enter the name on reception to E.A.Okulov.