Просмотр полной версии : At mine 3 monthly sons frequent constipations. Helps or assists only gazootvodnaja trubo...

05.06.2004, 06:33
At mine 3 monthly sons frequent constipations. The tubule or a wadding stick helps or assists only gazootvodnaja. The husband abuses me, speaking, what is it can affect or influence sex orientation of the son. Whether so it? Whether there are any researches on this subjects?

Pisarenko N.A.
05.06.2004, 12:37
Frequent are as? And than the kid is fed? And whether tried or tasted national agents of type of broth of prunes itd?
To affect or influence mental development of the child, certainly, can. Also will affect or influence, if will continue. As you are not going to up to school every day to put to him clysters? It is an occasion first of all for the profound conversation with the pediatrist and the children's gastroenterologist. If from their party or side all is precisely normal, then only it is meaningful to consult with the psychologist.

06.06.2004, 11:08
Dear Natalia Aleksandrovna! Certainly, we treat a dysbacteriosis at the gastroenterologist. The kid on natural feeding. The pediatrist sees nothing bad in these actions. The matter is that the kid makes an effort, groans, gases depart, and the chair is not present. Then he gets tired and cries. Then we do not maintain and we use a rod. The chair there and then appears. You how it can affect or influence mental development of the child could not explain.

Pisarenko N.A.
06.06.2004, 13:21
You have not responded - that means "frequent". It is each time he cannot pokakat without a tubule itd?

08.06.2004, 02:33
My girl had a same problem, there were strong gases, but without a chair, all was checked up. And one doctor to me has advised to feed up the kid. She did not gorge on (was on thoracal feeding and like narmalno would type or collect weight after that the chair was normalized, and became kakat itself every day. Your kid the same not ppolne can is full?

08.06.2004, 06:32
Yes, each time. It turns out, that every day or time in 2 days. It is impossible in fact to look easy as he cries and makes an effort.

09.06.2004, 06:23
It is strange, that your gastroenterologist with calmness concerns to these procedures and does not appoint or nominate easy or light;mild laxative - djufalak, for example (it is a lactulose, natural substance). You can break or disturb a natural motility of a rectum. It is possible to resort to the help of a tubule, but not every day. It is better to find the good doctor and to treat a dysbacteriosis. As prikorm in such cases it is very good Semper Bifidus is an admixture with addition of the lactulose, normalizing flora of an intestine and, accordingly, a chair. Success to you and health to the kid!

Pisarenko N.A.
09.06.2004, 18:47
And the special massage facilitating this all processes is still done or made... In general, I would advise to concern to a choice of the doctor more closely or attentively. (and surprising the pediatrist approving daily kovyrjanija in the baby seems to me!) the psychologist here is necessary, if: there was any trouble of pregnancy (a unsuccessful mental status someone from parents, stresses, threat of an abortion, any drama histories, prosshedshie in family itd). And also, if there were problems on the first weeks of a life (for example, hospitalization). Success.