Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Nogovitsyn! I - mum 7 monthly boys and constant...

07.06.2004, 09:45
Dear doctor Nogovitsyn!

I - mum 7 monthly boys and the regular customer of your conference.
Not time addressed to you with questions. I wish to ask to you not a concrete question, and there can be a little bit general or common. But this question arises here constantly.
As is known now completely healthy children is born a little. Very much to much (especially kesarjatam) diagnose PEP (as the nonspecialist I understand - damage of a brain), GGS (the raised or increased intracranial pressure). You speak, that such diagnoses are not present, that they are not concrete. But them put the majority of neuropathologists. Believe, I speak proceeding from own experience. At both of us these or it the diagnosis were, and it at normal NSG (on the basis of cesarean, s-mA Gref it was spoken about bad venous outflow). The majority of neuropathologists on the basis of these diagnoses appoint or nominate treatment - basically diuretics. You speak, that it is necessary to see clinical displays. But their other doctors plainly do not look. Well tell or say, whether it is possible to see them for 5 10 minutes of survey. We on treatment by medicamental agents have not gone or do not send, have passed or have taken place a course of weakening or relaxing massage at the expert, gymnastics. We and have not found the normal neuropathologist. But the familiar immunologist has told or said: If at the child something also is, it should be compensated itself without medicines . Certainly, it does not concern or touch cases with obvious disturbances and backlog in development.
I ask you to respond: whether you Agree with our immunologist? Why ours (abroad is not present) neuropathologists constantly put such diagnoses? Whether you consider or count that to each child the time has a seat, to rise, go or at the slightest deviation or rejection from norm or rate it is necessary to go on consultation?


Nogovitsyn V.J.
08.06.2004, 19:09
Probably, not absolutely closely or attentively read. Just assorted this subject (a question signed by Curious mamashka May, 27th 2003 13 : 03 : 39). Norms or rates of development of children are, only to concern to them it is necessary from positions of common sense, instead of " a step vpravo-to the left - execution by tablets ".