Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my son 3, 5. One week ago at it or him has appeared povyshenn...

03.06.2004, 00:48
Hello! To my son 3, 5. One week ago it or he had a raised or an increased salivation. Thus he became restless (badly sleeps at night, it is curved, cries). Prompt what is it can be. How you think, a teeth it is the unique reason? Whether all children thus make an effort and curved? Thanks.

04.06.2004, 03:41
The raised or increased salivation is usually connected with zubkami. And here it make an effort and curved is, more likely, an attribute kolikov. So, probably, the child disturb not only zubki.

05.06.2004, 19:50
At me the same situation from the same age a daughter. I began to think about zubkah because colics at us have passed or have taken place on 2 month and she - former exclusively on a thoracal delivery so hardly. It is unique that I think, can is simple iz-for that that does not sleep, perevozbuzhdaetsja it is even more and to fall asleep even more hardly then. And what, at zubkah they vygibajutsja-it too one of signs?

06.06.2004, 23:47
Sljuni is not an attribute something, and it is simple at this age at the child sialadens start to work normally. And it is curved and so forth - because yet has not learned to swallow of them. So to us we has told or said the doctor. To us already 4 months, have begun this hypersalivation too in 3, 5 is already quieter - probably the child gets used sljunki to swallow. Do not worry!

08.06.2004, 07:31
Read, that a teeth can appear in 4 5 month, but basically after 6, but that nemenee movement inside of gums occurs or happens, a teeth "prepare"