Просмотр полной версии : The girl, 2, 8; Vest nekupirovan, sabril, Benzonalum. Problem: seldom oporo...

Marina Ivanovna
04.06.2004, 08:57
The girl, 2, 8; Vest nekupirovan, sabril, Benzonalum.
Problem: seldom empties a bladder. An example within 6 hours has drunk 400 450 gram of a liquid, popisjala only in the beginning of the seventh hour: (However very strong diaphoresis (iz-for fevers). Whether there can be an ischuria consequence or investigation of bad job of kidneys iz-for reception AEP? Whether there Can be a delay "floret" from our neurologic "bouquet" of diseases? To all sabril to us gives extreme constipations, cope with which we cannot (even by means of references of the gastroenterologist and every possible medical products. Senna and glyceric suppositories, but it not an output or exit) help or assist only. Whether it is necessary to us to have a drink Diacarbum iz-for problems mocheotdelenija?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
04.06.2004, 12:32
In occasion of influence AEP on kidneys - can quite be (is more characteristic for Benzonalum). About Diacarbum - categorically is not present without results of inspection of kidneys. The acute ischuria is an indication for emergency hospitalization. Not acute - too in your case. So if the problem is saved, it is better to lay down on 03 or even to call a doctor on the house for the decision of a question with gopitalizatsiej.

Marina Ivanovna
05.06.2004, 21:25
Big to you thanks for the answer. Vasily Jurevich, you more likely any "First aid":). Separate for this thanks:) On 03 us did not hospitalize: (, my story have found or considered empty imagination: (have advised to cause or call the pediatrist. The pediatrist has caused or called (from days off:)! She us patronizes the Blessing iz-for physical inabilities and in general the person good) and podgotivila to her shemku: how much have drunk or cut and how much "have poured out". The norm or rate speaks. Has advised more to allow to drink (the truth I do not know as, whether silom what to fill in?!) and just in case to hand over the analysis wet and to make US of a liver and kidneys, as we plan to make as UZIst of holiday will leave.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
07.06.2004, 11:39
It is useful to be reinsured always. Thanks God.