Просмотр полной версии : Doktor, ja snova obrashchaius k vam (fotoepilepsie.) Ranishe sentjabrja k d...

05.06.2004, 07:09
Doktor, ja snova obrashchaius k vam (fotoepilepsie.) Ranishe sentjabrja k drugomu neurologu ja ne mogu s dochkoi popasti. K sozheleniju bez ocheredi zdesi ne poluchaetsja. U menja k vam takoi vopros. Mozhno po pochte vislati vam rezultati obsledovanija, podrobnosti po telefonu razjasniti, i chtobi vi naznachili terapiju? Esli da, to kakie obsledovanija? V Moskvu priehati, poka net vozmozhnosti. Kak ja ponjala u sina Olgi takie zhe problemi. Hotelosi bi znati ot chego prihodit eta bolezni? Moja dochka smotrela s blizkogo rastojania TV, mozhet vlijati? Bolishoe spasibo!

Nogovitsyn V.J.
06.06.2004, 20:12
I can give ONLY the general or common references, it is impossible to appoint or nominate treatment through the Internet. The epilepsy is not a rhinitis, all is complex or difficult enough, differently and there would be no so much mistakes or errors in its or her treatment. Call tomorrow with 9 up to 15 on ph. (095) 959 8841.