Просмотр полной версии : At my son (5, 5 years) complications after a serious flu - a bronchitis + two-hundred...

04.06.2004, 12:22
At my son (5, 5 years) complications after a serious flu - a bronchitis + a bilateral otitis, have almost finished the cure. The emiction 4 days ago has become frequent, asks each 10 15 minutes, sometimes nothing turns out. Now disturb also periodic abdominal pains, a emiction not morbid. Up to a flu suffered an oliguria (pisaet from force 2 3 times day, nebolee 300 ml at drunk nearby 1), edemas, were suspicion on an intersticial or interstitial nephritis, dizembriogenez a renal tissue, have removed or have taken off, have left only threat MKB + a neurogenic bladder (an oliguria of an obscure genesis + a uracrasia). Now the pediatrist (by phone) in connection with the become frequent emiction has advised to give furagin, the analysis wet has told or said to do or make unessentially. The QUESTION: whether so it? The matter is that my child suffers the whole bouquet of diseases, on physical inability, we accept different preparations are long many, it would not be desirable without the weighty reasons on that to enter one more medicine. Whether it is necessary to give furagin or nevertheless it is necessary to something to undertake? This one more complication of a flu or what?

Muraveva E.M.
05.06.2004, 22:26
Any child, prenesshy infectious or neinfektsionnoe kidneys, on a background of an intercurrent infection should hand over analyses of urine not only at presence of complications, but also in the scheduled order for the control. In your case the analysis wet it is necessary for an estimation of a status of the child, volume of treatment and correct selection of a dose of medicines.