Просмотр полной версии : To my child 3, 5 years, at it or her atopichesky a dermatitis maculae on a century or blepharon of an eye and l...

03.06.2004, 22:57
To my child 3, 5 years, at it or her atopichesky a dermatitis maculae on a century or blepharon of an eye and easy or light;mild dryness of forearms. But besides it or this at it or her uvelechenie a pancreas - tell or say it it is connected?
Alergolog appoints or nominates assays (it is necessary to do or make them?),
Besides it or this a dysbacteriosis. What to treat in the beginning? In advance THANKS!

Albanova V.I.
05.06.2004, 12:17
I think, that at such easy or light;mild displays of a BP it is not necessary to conceive allergoprob. The augmentation of a pancreas with the years usually passes or takes place, but nevertheless demands attention of the gastroenterologist. The dysbacteriosis can be treated simultaneously from a BP.